Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 2.

I made it through day 2:)

It helped a lot that Tay had a snow day today.  She kept an eye on the little ones and I fit in my 20 minutes, some ab work, and 20 minutes on the stationary bike before lunch!  I used 5 pound weights yesterday because I figured, "It's 20 minutes, I should be able to handle the 5 pounders."  Eh.  Today for some of the moves I used the 5 pounds, some of them I used my 3 pound weights.  It may be 20 minutes, but there is *very* little rest in there.

I love when I can get my workout in early in the day.  It inspires me to see what else I can get done.  Today I washed the sheets on our bed, balanced the checkbook, ran some errands, and I'm on my first load of towels.  Now, I just need to quit ignoring the dishwasher....

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