Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pigs that fly!

So, this morning I actually stayed up after Taylor got on the bus...yay me! Lately DH and I go to bed so late (harvest) that I'll crash again after she's off to school. Today I thought, "Hmmmmm, 2 hours before the little ones get up. What should I do?" Okay, we all know what I should do: work out. I've stayed pretty steady on my weight and I'm happy about that, but I need to work out. Toning, to help my sleeping, time for myself, etc. I found a workout in my Redbook magazine that seemed pretty lowkey. I thought I'd try so I suited up and went to work!

Yeah, I got my a** handed to me in the form of realizing just how out of shape I am! I could barely balance on one leg for some of the moves without tipping over. The good news is, I didn't hate it and I actually broke a little sweat. I just might do it again tomorrow:)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Look what I caught!!

Never fails, fall rolls around and before I can get the kids out for pictures with the pretty leaves, Mother Nature gives us a round of crappy, rainy, windy days that make all the trees bare and the leaves completely scattered. Ha, ha, not this year!!:)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Well, that was short lived!

Remember that nesting thing I was "struggling" with last week? Yep, that's gone! It made a brief appearance earlier this evening after the kids and I got back from my (half) sister's house. Her house is newer, and while it wasn't huge, it was nice, so clean and very homey! Really made me want to clean the house, light up the fireplace (she didn't have one, but our fireplace feels homey), and finish putting up my decorations. Yeah, I straightened a few things and then the recliner and I joined forces and watched Desperate Housewives together. Ahhhh, it was like 2 buddies who have spent too much time apart. Neither of us faulted the other, we just enjoyed being together again:)

I'm in holiday decoration limbo. For me, it's a little too early for Halloween yet, but I don't want to put up all my fall stuff as some of it gets replaced with Halloween items anyway. So a strand of "leaves" that grace the mantel of my homey (yet, unlit) fireplace is it for now. :::sigh:::

If anyone has seen my ambition, please send it home...I miss it:(

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Just 10 months too late....


I just can't get enough projects to do.

**I also want you to know that lately, I must proofread and proofread everything I type, no matter where I type it. I've been skipping words, forgetting "s" to pluralize (is that even a word?), and generally not making much sense when I'm done! My fingers and my brain need to have lunch and figure that crap out. Until then, if my posts seem screwed up, well, they just are!**

Anyway, the house that is mine is always known to be messy. Not gross messy, but "Hey, do you even know how to put anything away?!" messy. Mail stacked on the table, laundry in baskets (but clean!), groceries still on the counter (hey, they're easier to get to right?). Lately however, junk mail goes right to the garbage, even if I might want to order the collectible figurines of the Seven Wonders of the World. I can't have dishes on the counter, they must go in the dishwasher. I must admit, it's awesome to find a clean cereal bowl the next morning....go me! The hamper for towels can't be full. My washing machine is begging for a day off. If there's crumbs on the floor after I just swept, heaven help the person who put them there. I may not be working out, but I certainly am not sitting on my butt doing nothing! Unless I'm at the computer editing and printing pictures to go in frames I suddenly decided I desperately need to fill.

About that working out...yep, still not happening. But I haven't gained, I've stayed active, and I forgot to weigh in and measure today (crap!). Oh well. Printing off another picture will burn a few calories right?