Sunday, October 5, 2008

Well, that was short lived!

Remember that nesting thing I was "struggling" with last week? Yep, that's gone! It made a brief appearance earlier this evening after the kids and I got back from my (half) sister's house. Her house is newer, and while it wasn't huge, it was nice, so clean and very homey! Really made me want to clean the house, light up the fireplace (she didn't have one, but our fireplace feels homey), and finish putting up my decorations. Yeah, I straightened a few things and then the recliner and I joined forces and watched Desperate Housewives together. Ahhhh, it was like 2 buddies who have spent too much time apart. Neither of us faulted the other, we just enjoyed being together again:)

I'm in holiday decoration limbo. For me, it's a little too early for Halloween yet, but I don't want to put up all my fall stuff as some of it gets replaced with Halloween items anyway. So a strand of "leaves" that grace the mantel of my homey (yet, unlit) fireplace is it for now. :::sigh:::

If anyone has seen my ambition, please send it home...I miss it:(

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