Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's like they planned it.

My cell phone, oven, dishwasher, blender and water heater/gas.

One by one, they failed or bailed, lol.

First, my phone.  After years of never really having an issue with my cell phone, this one decides to be the one to cause a problem.  Darn thing turns itself off.  Charged battery and all.  So, I go in to get an exchange as it's under a year, new one arrived on Friday.  I got my contacts switched over, but I forgot about the events I had scheduled in it.  Oops.  I'm upgrading in January and Tay will get this phone, she's pysched because it has a qwerty keyboard.  I'll be sure to write down my events before then, lol.

Next, the blender.  While making a smoothie Thanksgiving morning, the "pitcher" hopped up and shredded the gears.  Super.  DH was able to finagle a few screws into the gears to mash the bananas, strawberries and yogurt in there, but the thing was shot after that.  Ordered a new one, arrived today.  So far, so good.

Saturday afternoon, making lunch and our oven charred the french fries in less than 18 minutes.  Wth?  DH thinks it was a gas surge (?!!!!).  Okaayyyy.  Either way, the damn thing wouldn't turn off and there is NO way it was only at 425 degrees!   I had to turn off the gas and my brother came over to move the stove so we could unplug it and turn off the valve to it (so we could turn the gas on for other things, like warm water and heat!).  Oh, and this stuff only happens when DH is out of town!

The gas.  We switched tanks and needed a new gas line (hence the oven issue).  DH does it today, all is hooked up.  I workout (yoga and biking, go me!), put up our tree (just lights and the star right now), and decide to shower.  Freezing cold water.  I try to light the pilot light, nothing.  So I figure I'll start supper.  I light the burner to boil water, lights up fine.  Well, there must have been a hiccup of air in the line and the flame when out. ::sigh::  DH says he fixed it all now...yeah, when I'm clean from warm water and eating a meal, I'll believe him:)

The dishwasher.  I have many beefs with that thing.  For one it's called a "QuietPartner II".  The hell if that thing is quiet!  The main beef is that it doesn't wash the dishes very well, no matter what setting it's on.  Hard water, soft water (which we have), doesn't matter.  It's ONE job is to wash dishes and it fails miserably.

On the upside (and downside) to things, I have finally ordered my laptop!  Whoo-hoo!  The upside is that we finally ordered it, the downside is that we paid more than we planned as they upped the price on it.  Boo to them.  Either way, it means I can get my videos from the Handycam onto discs.  Message people from the main floor.  Maybe update this a little more often.  Who knows, the possibilities are endless:)

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