Monday, May 18, 2009

I did it.

I finally had enough. After blurry shots, fiddling with settings, and missing great photo opprutunities, I put my evil camera up for sale on Ebay. It's my first time selling an item on Ebay. I have purchased items before, but not sold.

I have to give DH credit though. I just bought this camera in December and to buy another one is just plain silly to him (yet buying 10 versions of the same kind of tool makes sense? :::sigh:::). He said that he wouldn't be okay with a new camera until he saw the current one listed on Ebay. I put that sucker up in 30 minutes and sent a screen shot (proof!) to DH via text message:) Nothing like a little motivation, lol.

I haven't seen the best reviews for this camera (after I bought it of course!) and the last straw was this sister got married and while some pictures look great, most look fuzzy, bad coloring, etc. I am NOT happy. It's a simple point and shoot with a well-known name, who knew? The thing that makes me super annoyed is that I researched and researched before I bought it. Why do the bad reviews come out of the woodwork after my card is swiped? I have a bigger play-with-the-settings camera and I like it, but taking it to bars, events, etc. sucks if I'm just hanging out. I wanted a nice, little, not-going-to-break-the-bank camera that took quality photos that I didn't have to fix just to put on Facebook.

I'm crossing my fingers this time with the new has gotten great reviews. It's compact. It's a different brand than evil camera.

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