Thursday, May 7, 2009

And the dr says....

There is no cure for me. If there was, someone would be getting rich off of it. Going to get a little TMI here for a moment.

DH wants sex. I don't. Not even a little bit. There is ZERO desire. Now, DH is a hot guy. He's a great husband too (for the most part...he has his days, lol.). I'm not stressed. Things are good. We're surviving the economy just fine. I'm also a little tired lately. I'm ready to crash the moment the word "bed" is spoken and I'd sleep until noon if the kids or my alarm didn't wake me. My first thought? Depression. Well, I spoke to our doctor today (Lexi had her 15 month checkup) and he ruled out depression. He also said many women experience this and there really isn't much they can do. However, he ordered lab to draw some blood and check my thyroid. I'm not holding out a lot of hope as with the exception of one abnormal pap (which the retest came back normal), every single medical test I have ever had done on me has come back normal. I'm thrilled with that, yet now I'm looking for something to be wrong.

Over the last how many months, DH and I have tried e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g to "fix" the problem. My head (and heart) say, YES. My body? Yeah, not so much. :::sigh::: Here I thought no BCP and having my tubes tied would give me sexual freedom- whoo-hoo! Except the whoo-hoo is missing. DH has been great with it and really thought he was doing something wrong. I had to give the "It's not you, it's me" speech numerous times. Ya know, for a pretty confident guy he sure thought he was screwing something up, lol. Poor guy....7 years ago when he said, "I want that one", he didn't realize he was picking up a defective model;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww you're not defective! I actually tossed around the idea that maybe I am depressed as well but I just think it's something we have to go through after having babies. Sadie isn't as old as your two but I understand how you're feeling. The way you're feeling about sex is how I am feeling about weight loss.

I'm sure you've tried it but even if you don't feel like it MAKE yourself give it a shot for say, 10minutes. If you're not "into it" after 10 minutes you have the right to say "not tonight honey". This usually works with me!