Friday, February 6, 2009


Today I did the entire yoga section of my WiiFit. I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking with it and I'm wondering why I thought the last few poses (unlocked, but never used) would be so tough. They weren't. I guess I've always been of the mind that if I'm not jumping like a maniac, I'm not doing much good when it comes to exercise. Yoga always sounded boring, but things feel better. My back has been bugging me lately and I actually felt parts of it stretch and feel some relief. Maybe I'll stick with it...

In my post yesterday, I fibbed a bit. About that Lexi being such an easy baby thing. Don't get me wrong, she is the easiest one we've had but lately, that little girl is out to make a liar out of me. Two nights in a row now, she's gotten up between 3-4am. No idea why. Diaper isn't very wet. Sippy of warm milk doesn't get emptied. She will lounge on my lap with her eyes open just looking around at our living room. She knows she shouldn't be up. After 15-20 minutes, I'll lay her down and she goes back to sleep. The super neat part? It has to be *me* that she sits with. :::sigh::: DH knew that I was exhausted, so he got up with her last night. He did exactly as I do, but when he laid her down, she pitched a fit. Being as the monitor is right next to my head, I couldn't sleep. So I got up with her AGAIN. Same as before: warm sippy, sit in chair, lay her down, right to sleep. That's great and all, but then I'm wide awake even though I'm exhausted:( I'm glad it's not every night, but good grief. I'm on 3 nights of crappy sleep. I also can't nap during the day or I can't sleep at night. Super.

Can't wait until my kids are all teenagers...Saturday morning. 6am. Me banging pots and pans. You get my idea.

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