Monday, June 15, 2009

The sun will come out...

and then go back behind the clouds. Yuck. Oh well, we had SUPER weather this weekend. The kind of weather where if you could hug it, you would. After days of rain (well needed) it was so nice to sit outside for graduation parties this weekend. Loved it! While it's not raining right now, we're suppose to get a good storm tonight and our yard needs the water something awful.

A solution may have been found as to what my issue is with being so damn tired all the time. At least, that is what I am hoping for. DH mentioned vitamins and how he feels "off" when he isn't taking them. I do have vitamins, I just rarely take them. Just basic over-the-counter womens vitamins that I'm suppose to take with food. For some reason I find that to be an inconvenience. For the last few days I have been taking special care to prepare breakfast, take my vitamin and then eat. It has only been a few days but I'm not struggling today, which is so nice. Such an awesome change of pace and I'm really hoping that swallowing a giant pill each day will be worth it in the long run!

Now I'm hoping this newfound non-tiredness will help me get back in gear with working out. I miss it, but I don't ya know? I prefer to work out in the morning with no distractions, just me and the Wii Fitness Coach or me and my Ipod with the exercise bike. Either way, it's June. And I recall that back in March I was hell-bent on not getting to June and wondering why I didn't start whooping my butt into shape back in March. :::sigh::: Oh well. Hop back on the bike (literally!) again!

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