Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Closer to normal.

The bags are thrown out, same goes for the boxes.  I have my closet back again (I was hiding the gifts in there).  Oh, and 15-some inches of snow have been plowed and hauled.  What a mess!

DH wasn't around much for Christmas this year and that was disappointing.  He was home for Christmas morning, but they went out to do some clean-up around 11am and he was gone the entire day.  So, guess who played elf?  Assembling baby doll strollers, high chairs, and Lexi's play kitchen. Oy.  By 3pm I was e.x.h.a.u.s.t.e.d.  Due to the weather, we were stuck at home.  My grandparents postponed their Christmas celebration and had it this past Sunday, so that was nice.  I was bummed about possibly missing it.  The decorations are still up, but I don't plan on taking them down for a while.  It takes too long to decorate to take them done already, lol.  They'll be down by Lexi's birthday party (Jan. 16th) though, we'll need the room.


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