Saturday, December 19, 2009


I can deal with it most times.  A new cell phone.  A new way of organizing.  Even working on a laptop vs. a desktop.  Except that printing thing...more on that later.

Today we exchanged one family "member" for another:

We recently had the opportunity to upgrade to a dining set that seated more than 4, however when you have the highchair in there it gets a little crowded.  The highchair has officially been packed away and has been replaced with a booster seat.  While I am loving the new room, it's a little sad knowing that we are packing away just one more sign of a baby being here.

I am loving the laptop.  The portability.  Windows 7 (suck it Vista!).  The nice keyboard.  Now, if only I could print.  After much trial and error, our no-longer-with-us printer was not going to do the job.  We need wireless.  Sooooo....we passed our printer onto my mom since she needed a new one that was compatible with Win7.  We'll look at purchasing a new all-in-one that can cater to my laptop as well.  I don't know about anyone else, but I hate setting up new electronics.  Especially computer stuff.  Now I have to learn a new printer and how to get it and my laptop to get along.  Oh, and throw in our desktop as well.  I'm sure it will go just fine, but it's a headache until everything is running the way it should be!


Stuart Bean has been great at keeping up with the naughty kids.  Like me.  It has been over a week since I worked out.  And honestly, I really don't care.  Don't get me wrong, I miss working out and I'm kicking myself that I'm not, but I just can't find the ambition to.  When we went through the bout of no heat, I was pretty sure I was NOT going to dress down to work out only to freeze my tail off.  Hell no.  Then we ran into busy times and here we are.  The scale isn't going up too much, but I have to quit the snacking or there's going to be trouble!

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