Someone had a birthday around here....
Diva Lexi (who needs her morning milk room temperature) had fun at her party. Given her illness, we kept it short: lunch, cake, gifts and naptime (for her!). Then the adults could visit a bit. She was such a trouper, but wanted little to do with that yummy cake. She got some on her hands and wasn't entirely thrilled!
Then there's Cole. Sunday morning we were hanging around and when I saw him reach for a toy, I spotted something that made my heart drop. Spots. On his hand. Dark pink spots. I unzipped his jammies and he was COVERED. Our first thought: chicken pox. I ran to WebMD..most signs pointed to yes. The contagious period to keep him home? 10 days. And that's for one kid. I was crushed. It's been below zero for DAYS. If it's above zero, the windchill has no problem kicking us below that. Cabin fever is ambundant around here. The idea of being forced to stay home? Ugh. To top it off, Lexi would be screwed as she was exposed before she got the vaccine. Fortunately, a few calls determined that it was a rash from the Amoxicillin. *whew* It's not an allergic reaction, some kids get it and it will disappear as quickly as it pops up. I'm happy to say I can't really play connect the dots on him anymore!:)
Last week I worked out. I worked out so much I couldn't work out this week (yet). I got into our Wiifit a lot...mostly running, which I love. Throw on the Ipod and go. I also received the Jillian Michael's workout for the Wii. It's okay. The workout is great, but the sensors don't catch alot of what you do. So if you're content not seeing progress on the screen then it's not much of a problem. I adapted and now my thighs hurt!
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