Saturday, September 20, 2008

Swift kick and some deep sh*t

You know how you're walking along, things are great, the sun is shining, your bills are paid and everything is just...fine? Suddenly, out of the sky drops an anvil courtesy of your very own coyote named "The Past".

Last week I was contacted by my half-sister who I haven't heard from or spoke to in over 20 years. We share genetic material from a man I call "The Sperm Donor" (SD). He and my mom dated, she got pg, and he took off. Classy guy;) Well, he went on to marry and have 4 kids (my mom had me, married and had my four siblings). He treated his family like crap, he and the wife divorced, and none of them speak to him now. I met his oldest in private school one day at the ripe ol' age of 8. I've always known SD's name as it's written in my baby book and my new friend shared the same last name as him. Two and two together = we were half-sisters. We stayed friends until she was sent to public school the next year and we lost contact. Living in a small town, I heard bits and pieces about their family, but nothing ever came of it.

Fast forward to last week when she requested to be my friend on Facebook. They made computer chairs for a when your past swings by to say "Hi", you're sitting down! I accepted her right away, sent her my usual-new-FB-friend-wall-post: "Hey, how you doing? What's new with you?" and mulled over this situation for 3 days. To say I was confused would be an understatement. So many questions...what does she want? Why now? What brought this about? I mean, how did I know that she didn't just have a few glasses of chardonnay one night and do some drunk friend requesting? OMG, I know that girl, she was such a bitch in high school and always dissed my clothing, friends, ideas...hey, I wonder if she wants to be my friend? My wonderful supportive husband kept saying, "Maybe she needs a kidney" :::rolling eyes:::

Well, as luck would have it, turns out we have a mutual, very to-the-point FB friend who came out and asked me "How do you feel about this as she (and her sister) just wants to get to know you?" Finally! A motive! I'm very open to that as it's not our fault things turned out this way. So after 3 days of lost sleep, making sure my family was okay with this contact (my mom is fine with it and my sister is intrigued, no word on my bros yet), and hearing why this was happening, the shock has finally worn off. We've made plans to have lunch, catch up (20 years is going to need a long lunch hour!), and my regularly scheduled programming has resumed.

Amazes me how an instant can change you life and you never know when that instant will come...

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