Monday, May 25, 2009

A newfound love...


What a wonderful thing:)

The pain-in-my-a**, always blurry pictures, can't-find-a-setting-that-works camera is GONE. Well, it hasn't been shipped yet, but I no longer own it. I now own a Canon SD790 IS that I love so far! I bought it yesterday and haven't had a lot of time to play with it yet, but I was able to figure the basics and get some awesome photos yesterday. Photos that I don't have to fix on my photo program. Photos with great colors. Photos with clear subjects. Photos that I didn't have to delete 6 disappointments and keep 1 good one.

As for Ebay, I found that selling stuff is almost more exciting than buying stuff, lol. I'm getting rid of something I don't need and getting paid for it without having to organize a garage sale. I've been searching my house seeing what else I can unload!

Yesterday we had an impromptu get-together with some family and friends. It was low-key with a low turnout, but we still had a great time!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I did it.

I finally had enough. After blurry shots, fiddling with settings, and missing great photo opprutunities, I put my evil camera up for sale on Ebay. It's my first time selling an item on Ebay. I have purchased items before, but not sold.

I have to give DH credit though. I just bought this camera in December and to buy another one is just plain silly to him (yet buying 10 versions of the same kind of tool makes sense? :::sigh:::). He said that he wouldn't be okay with a new camera until he saw the current one listed on Ebay. I put that sucker up in 30 minutes and sent a screen shot (proof!) to DH via text message:) Nothing like a little motivation, lol.

I haven't seen the best reviews for this camera (after I bought it of course!) and the last straw was this sister got married and while some pictures look great, most look fuzzy, bad coloring, etc. I am NOT happy. It's a simple point and shoot with a well-known name, who knew? The thing that makes me super annoyed is that I researched and researched before I bought it. Why do the bad reviews come out of the woodwork after my card is swiped? I have a bigger play-with-the-settings camera and I like it, but taking it to bars, events, etc. sucks if I'm just hanging out. I wanted a nice, little, not-going-to-break-the-bank camera that took quality photos that I didn't have to fix just to put on Facebook.

I'm crossing my fingers this time with the new has gotten great reviews. It's compact. It's a different brand than evil camera.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

And the dr says....

There is no cure for me. If there was, someone would be getting rich off of it. Going to get a little TMI here for a moment.

DH wants sex. I don't. Not even a little bit. There is ZERO desire. Now, DH is a hot guy. He's a great husband too (for the most part...he has his days, lol.). I'm not stressed. Things are good. We're surviving the economy just fine. I'm also a little tired lately. I'm ready to crash the moment the word "bed" is spoken and I'd sleep until noon if the kids or my alarm didn't wake me. My first thought? Depression. Well, I spoke to our doctor today (Lexi had her 15 month checkup) and he ruled out depression. He also said many women experience this and there really isn't much they can do. However, he ordered lab to draw some blood and check my thyroid. I'm not holding out a lot of hope as with the exception of one abnormal pap (which the retest came back normal), every single medical test I have ever had done on me has come back normal. I'm thrilled with that, yet now I'm looking for something to be wrong.

Over the last how many months, DH and I have tried e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g to "fix" the problem. My head (and heart) say, YES. My body? Yeah, not so much. :::sigh::: Here I thought no BCP and having my tubes tied would give me sexual freedom- whoo-hoo! Except the whoo-hoo is missing. DH has been great with it and really thought he was doing something wrong. I had to give the "It's not you, it's me" speech numerous times. Ya know, for a pretty confident guy he sure thought he was screwing something up, lol. Poor guy....7 years ago when he said, "I want that one", he didn't realize he was picking up a defective model;)